Xi′an Sinoline Petroleum Science & Technology Co.,Ltd offers technical petroleum reservoir management consulting and training services to the worldwide petroleum industry. We specialize in providing reservoir monitoring plan, well test analysis, reservoir simulation studies and integrated multi-disciplinary studies to solve our clients' reservoir development problems. These studies typically involve some or all of the following services:
• Well Test Analysis
• Production Data Analysis
• Integrated Reservoir Management Studies
• Field Software Development
• Reservoir Information Management
• Reservoir Description & Simulation
• Petroleum Engineering Training
We could do the best in the following services:
• Our Well Test Interpretation Service
Our experts have more than 20 years' experience in well test interpretation. and analyze as many as ten thousands of well test data.
• Our Software Service
Our software development is based on individual client demand. We provide practical and advanced solutions for reservoir engineering and production optimization projects. Our software incorporates the latest in technology, such as cloud computing and mega data. It is innovative and easy to use.
• Our Petroleunm Engineering Training Services
Delivering the world's best selection of 100% GUARANTEED petroleum engineering short courses and seminars.
Our team has the experience with running more than 100 petroleum engineering courses with more than 10 years of experience delivering training to E&P companies. Our team understands your training challenges and has solutions to match your specific needs in petroleum engineering training.